Private Piano Lessons

Ages 4 to adults

Piano is known as the king of the instruments due to the fact that it covers all low and high ranges. Making it one of the most popular instrument to play. Learning piano doesn’t have to be difficult, we strive to make our lessons fun and tailor to the student’s individual needs. Our lessons are taught by experience instructors who also have years of teaching and performing experience. Learning to play the piano can be a rewarding experience, as it offers a wide range of musical possibilities and allows musicians to express themselves in various ways.

What would I learn? What styles do you teach?

We understand that everyone leans towards different genres and styles, for this reason we make it a priority to understand our students’ levels, needs, and wants. We teach, classical, jazz, pop music, rock and roll, contemporary and alternative music, film and tv scores, musical theater, and everything in between.

Do I need to know music?

No, all levels from beginners to advance are welcome. We will tailor lessons according to your level.

Do I need a piano at home?

A simple full size electronic keyboard will suffice during your practice at home. We can recommend the best piano for your needs.

Why should I take piano classes? Are the instructors qualify?

Our piano instructors are highly qualify; we have looked for the best in Houston so you don’t have to. They all have the experience and passion to teach from children to adults.

Taking piano lessons can offer a multitude of benefits, both in terms of personal development and musical growth. Here are some reasons why you might consider taking piano lessons:

  1. Musical Skills
  2. Creativity and Expression
  3. Stress Relief
  4. Cognitive Benefits
  5. Discipline and Patience
  6. Achievement and Confidence
  7. And much more

Start your lessons today!

A one on one lesson design just for you!


Voice Lessons in Houston